2020 Ross Mathematics Program-OSU
2020 Ross Mathematics Program-OSU
2020 俄亥俄州立大学罗斯数学营
Ross Mathematics Program 俄亥俄州立大学由Arnold Ross教授于1957年创办,后随着其规模的壮大,1964年搬去俄亥俄州立大学举办,与“PROMYS”和“SUMAC”并称三大美国顶尖数学训练营。 “Think deeply of simple things(深度思考简单的问题)”是这个项目的座右铭。Ross数学营激励学生用数学艺术来思考世界,培养学生的独立思维和批判性思维。
Ross program的申请难度极大,招生比例不超过10%。因其大部分学员高中毕业后被世界名校录取,它的入营和顺利毕业意味着申请名校已经成功了一半。如今,Ross/Asia亚洲分场选择在中国举办,为中国的学生提供了极大的便利。
Number Theory 数论作为Ross项目的核心课题的原因是它的许多想法都非常接近表面且容易被注意到,但同时其深层次的概念也非常值得探索。具体将讨论的数学课题如下:
- Euclid's Algorithm欧几里得算法
- Greatest common divisor. Diophantine equation ax + by = c. Proof of unique factorization in Z.
- Modular arithmetic模运算
- Inverses. Solving congruences. Fermat's Theorem. Chinese Remainder Theorem. Hensel's lemma for solving congruences (mod pm).
- Binomial coefficients二项式系数
- Pascal's triangle. Binomial Theorem. Arithmetic properties of binomial coefficients, like: (x+y)p= xp + yp (mod p).
- Polynomials多项式
- Division algorithm, Remainder Theorem, number of roots. Polynomials in Zp[x]. Irreducibles and unique factorization. Z[x] and Gauss's Lemma. Cyclotomic polynomials.
- Orders of elements元的阶
- Units. The group Um. Computing orders. Cyclicity of Up. For which m is Um cyclic?
- Quadratic reciprocity二次互反率
- Legendre symbols. Euler's criterion. Gauss's fourth proof of Reciprocity. Jacobi symbols.
- Continued fractions连分式
- Computing convergents. |x - p/q| < 1/q2. Best rational approximations. Pell's equation.
- Arithmetic functions数学函数
- phi(n), tau(n), sigma(n), and mu(n). Multiplicative functions. Sum of f(d) as d divides n. Moebius Inversion. Convolutions of functions.
- Gaussian integers: Z[i]高斯整数
- Norms. Which rational primes have Gaussian factors? Division algorithm. Unique factorization. Fermat's two squares theorem. Counting residues (mod a+bi).
- Finite fields有限域
- Characteristic. Frobenius map. Factoring xpn - x. Counting irreducible polynomials. Uniqueness Theorem for the field of pn elements.
- Resultants结式
- Discriminant of a polynomial and formal derivatives. Resultant of two polynomials and relation with Euclid's algorithm. Another proof of Quadratic Reciprocity.
- Geometry of numbers几何数论
- Lattice points. Pick's Theorem. Minkowski's Theorem. Geometric interpretation of the Farey sequence and continued fractions. Geometric proofs of the two square and four square theorems.
- Quadratic number fields二次数域
- Which quadratic number rings are Euclidean? For instance Z[sqrt(d)] is Euclidean when d = -1, -2, 2, 3 but not when d = -3, -5 or 5. Algebraic integers.
- Ross/USA时间:2019年6月23日周日至8月2日周五,在 Ohio Dominican University举办
- Ross/ASIA时间:2019年7月7日周日至8月9日周五
- 15-18周岁在校学生且对数学和科学感兴趣
- 申请表
- 简答题
- 数论题
- 学校成绩单
- 数学老师推荐信
- 国际生需提供标准化语言考试成绩:TOEFL iBT不低于80分切口语22分以上;IELTS不低于5分且口语7分以上;iTEP不低于4.5分且口语5分以上
- Ross Program可能会电话面试部分申请者
- 申请具体内容将会在2019年1月公布
- 学费预计5,000美金,亚洲区预计34,000人民币