2020 UPenn Pre-College Program

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2020 UPenn Pre-College Program

2020  宾夕法尼亚大学大学预科项目

Upenn Summer宾大暑期夏校


Upenn Pre-College Program宾大大学预科项目专门为想挑战大学本科年级难度感兴趣的高中学生设计的。所有参与Pre-College Program的学生可以与宾大的本科生一起参与暑期课堂,并提供了大量的课程选择,真实体验Ivy League常春藤名校的大学生活。所有的课程均由宾夕法尼亚大学教师,工作人员和访问学者教授,此外,还提供学术咨询、大学学习资源和大学招生工作等资源。学生选课课程安排:

  • College-Level Courses大学级课程
    • 一旦被录取,学生就与宾夕法尼亚大学的学术顾问协商,在以下三个极具挑战的课程体系选择其一种选课方式:
      • 一个学分课程和一个非学分课程(1 C.U.)*
      • 生物学101与实验课(1.5 C.U.)
      • 两门大学学分课程(2 C.U.)
    • 具体新课程选择可以参照官网,1 C.U.代表4个大学学分。夏季课程的规模通常会比较小,大多数可周一至周五上2-5次,包括作业,研究论文,期中/期末考试等。由于很多课程比较热门,所以建议越早申请越好。
  • Enrichment Courses充实课程
    • 选择参加一门大学学分课程的学生必须还要选择一门无学分的充实课程,旨在补充和加强本科阶段课程的学习。课程内容包括critical reading and academic writing批判性阅读和学术写作, online research techniques在线研究技能, community leadership社区领导课, 以及 SAT/ACT preparation 标化SAT/ACT考试准备。这些课程是由具有丰富教学经验的learning specialists 学习专家授课,通常周一至周四每周四次。

所有参与Pre-College Program的学生均与UPenn本科学生享受同样的学术标准和要求。课程结束后,学生也可以根据需要付费获得宾大官方成绩单,除Enrichment Course外。如有需要转学分,可以联系相关授权机构比如University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚。




Course Credit Information


2018Pre-College Program暑期开设课程

Course Number Course Title
AFRC 081 920 Womanifesto
AFRC 135 920 Law & Society
ANCH 027 920 Ancient Rome
ANTH 001 920 Archaeology: Window to the Human Past
ANTH 003 920 Introduction to Human Evolution
ARTH 109 920 World Film Hist '45-present
BIOL 101 920 Intro Biology A
BIOL 101 921 Laboratory
CIMS 102 920 World Film Hist '45-present
COML 124 920 World Film Hist '45-present
COML 150 920 War and Representation: War, Trauma and Representation in Literature
CRIM 100 920 Criminology
ECON 001 920 Intro to Microeconomics
ECON 001 921 Intro to Microeconomics
EEUR 171 920 The Socialist City
ENGL 081 920 Womanifesto
ENGL 085 920 War and Representation: War, Trauma and Representation in Literature
ENGL 092 920 World Film Hist '45-present
ENGL 101 920 Shakespeare
GSWS 081 920 Womanifesto
LING 102 920 Intro to Sociolinguistics
MATH 103 920 Introduction to Calculus
MATH 104 920 Calculus I
MUSC 082 920 Womanifesto
PHIL 001 920 Intro to Philosophy
PHIL 008 920 The Social Contract
PSCI 110 920 Introduction to Comparative Politics
PSCI 130 920 Introduction to American Politics
PSCI 181 920 Modern Political Thought
PSYC 001 920 Introduction to Experimental Psychology
RUSS 171 920 The Socialist City
SOCI 135 920 Law & Society
WRIT 150 922 Introduction to Academic Writing (NON-LPS)


Pre-College Program项目时间:2018年6月26日- 8月4日







  1. 10-11年级在校学生
  2. 填写在线申请表
  3. 一封推荐信
  4. 申请文书,不超过400字,题目如下
    • Describe your academic and personal goals and how these may be further achieved by studying at Penn during the summer. Feel free to discuss the particular program to which you are applying as well as other aspects of studying at Penn during the summer.
    • Select a few of your non-academic or extracurricular experiences and explain how these activities supplement your academic and personal growth.
    • Non-native English speakers only: Describe your English educational background and experience.
  5. 高中成绩单(至少包含1年完整学年的成绩单)且高中GPA不低于3.3
  6. 标准化考试成绩,如PSAT,SAT or ACT,如果有可以提供,有助于申请
  7. 非在全英语教学学校的至少2个学年的学生,需提交语言标化成绩,iBT不低于100,CBT不低于250,PBT不低于600,IELTS不低于7
  8. 申请费:75美金,符合以下条件或在以下组织内的学生可以免除申请费
    • Achievement First
    • DC Office of State Superintendent of Education
    • Ivy League Connection
    • Minds Matter
    • Right Angle Foundation
    • Schuler Scholars Foundation
    • Philadelphia Futures
    • School District of Philadelphia
  9. 项目预计费用:
    • 参加1门大学学分课程和1门Enrichment 课程:11,499美金(三周,含食宿)
    • 参加生物101课程,含实验:$13,499(三周,含食宿)
    • 参加2门学分课程:$15,499(三周,含食宿)















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