
Published by fengyan on


1875 美元 (学费)

六年级 - 七年级

美国 - 洛杉矶附近



把你的行李包装好,放在夏天最好的地方。 早晨醒来,在餐厅享用美味的早餐,度过一天充满兴奋和挑战的时光,晚餐后在社区中心和来自世界各地的新朋友一起放松。 无论您注册哪个暑期课程,您都将体验到凯特中学夏校的味道 - 这是东海岸学校的严谨与西海岸的冒险精神。 还有什么地方可以在俯瞰太平洋的宿舍里睡觉,还可以步行去上课或者以洛斯派瑞斯国家森林为背景的运动场,或者与另一位老师或教练建立真正的友谊?


1.英文能力证明 2.推荐信


▪ 凯特夏季学院通过创造性学习与户外活动相结合,拓展学生的思想和兴趣,提高文化包容性。

▪ 课程旨在让学生建立起自我能力认知和自信,并学会包容差异。

▪ 通过专业教师的小班授课,学生们将沉浸在丰富的学术体验中。



▪ 写作,建筑,阅读,魔术。


 ▪ 主要课程:









 ▪ 选修课:





6:55 The surprisingly loud alarm of my cell phone wakes me from my slumber.
7:00 Stumble half asleep into the bathroom to have a hot shower fully wake me   up.
7:15 Head up to the dining hall to have a light breakfast of cheerios in soy   milk.
7:45 Attempt to read the newspaper in the library, but end up chatting with   my friends before class.
8:00 Comparative Revolutions class. Today we discuss how the politics can   seem strange because of our American upbringing.
9:20 The Modern Presidency  with Mr. Weis. I’m really into the   humanities, so I decided to double up on history my senior year. We have a   lively class discussion on health care reform, and I’m amused by how   interested we are in an issue we won’t actually have to deal with until   middle age.
10:10 Assembly. Byoung, who is a close friend of mine, made a birthday   announcement for his little brother (freshman mentee) to the tune of Anyone   Else but You. Quite funny.
10:35 An open block. I head up to the library to get some homework done early,   but also spend some time just relaxing and spending some time catching up   with friends.
11:25 Marine Ecosystems with Mr. Caditz. Today we do a lab which involves   fishing M&M’s out of a bowl. Our team fishes out all the M&M’s from   the bowl the first round, effectively starving us for the next three rounds.   It effectively demonstrates the plague of overfishing.
12:10 Made a turkey pesto panini for lunch today. I sit outside at the senior   eating area (a privilege extended to seniors). I discuss the lab we did with   Rohit, Clara, Paul, and Kara. We joke about how we effectively starved   ourselves, and how we would be pathetic fishers in real life.
12:40 Senior English with Ms. Fortner. We’re in Schoolhouse 2, which has a   long conference table, perfect for class discussions. We discuss the reading   we did last night, and I discover some parts of the story that completely   flew over my head. Sarah brings up a great point about the imagery present in   Black Swans.
14:00 Another free period!  I take the time to do a little homework and   then get ready for cross country.
15:15 Athletics time. Since it is the fall season, I do cross country. It may   be hard, but the payoff at the end of the season is great.
16:45 Another shower, but cold this time, which feels amazing after a long   run.
17:30 Pasta for dinner tonight. I join my friends at one of the tables in the   dining hall that overlooks the Pacific.
18:00 I get dragged into a pickup game of Ultimate. I pretend like I’m not   interested, but I get really into it. Our team wins (always a plus).
19:00 Visit my friends up in High House. Get completely slaughtered in a game   of old school Super Smash Bros.
20:00 I’m on Duty with Ms. Salcedo tonight. It’s pretty quiet, so I’m able to   get my homework done quickly. It’s just one of multiple duties I perform as a   prefect. I plan on baking cookies for the whole dorm when my baking skills   are up to par.
22:00 I catch up with Edgar, my friend who is also a prefect in the room next   to me. I ask him for some help with calculus.
23:15 I climb into my bed, and I eventually succumb to the clutches of the   dream world.