
昆士兰大学(University of Queensland)
今天是游学的第十天,我们前往了最著名的澳洲八大之一的昆士兰大学(University of Queensland),校园的景色美不胜收,有草坪、喷泉、鸟鸣以及欢声笑语,令人赞叹,也唤起了我对就读于澳洲的向往。
(Queensland University of Technology)
随后,我们乘坐轮渡前往了昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology), 昆州的气候温暖适宜,大学内随处可见绿色草坪,以及在交谈的学生们
Written by Fred & Merlin:
Today we went to downtown Brisbane, and visited the university of Queensland, Queensland university of technology and Brisbane city, it makes me feel very fulfilled.
University of Queensland(UQ), which is one of the most famous universities in Australia and the oldest university in Queensland. The university of Queensland has an excellent learning environment and high-end supporting facilities, with nine libraries and professional laboratories for students' study and reference, as well as a comfortable lounge and restaurant for students to rest.
After that we went to Queensland university of technology(QUT), unlike other universities in Australia, the Queensland university of technology is a university with a very compact design, but the Queensland university of technology is still an excellent university.
Then we went to Brisbane city, Brisbane city is a very busy business district where you can buy many things you want.
Written by Oscar:
Today we visited UQ and QUT. I will tell you about today's journey.
First, we went to UQ by bus. UQ has a very beautiful campus, we first visited the library and law building, there are a lot of books, a lot of the students are study quietly. At the time we went into the library, they did not look at us or looked up at all, they just continue to study on their own without any distractions. The atmosphere of learning is very nice.
Then, we visited a game club, there are two students which are very focused on honing their skills of playing. I asked team leader how to join the club, and he said to enter the club, we must play at least a type of game, we could get access to the membership after winning a few games. We’ve visited other areas in UQ and enjoyed our time there.
after the tour in UQ,
We went to QUT by Citycat, which is the name of the ferry we took to get to QUT city campus. We had our lunch by sitting on the parkland at the campus of QUT. QUT was my dream school so I took a long walk to look around the campus and visited some campus buildings. I visited some places around the campus as well. I was very longing for entering into QUT once I graduate from high school, and this is the reason that I took a long time to look at the campus very carefully.
Finally we went to queen street and had some shopping, I bought a pair of shoes, then we went back to the campus and got picked up by homestay families.
It was a happy and fulfilling day.