
Published by fengyan on



洛 杉 矶




旧 金 山


而加州大学伯克利分校便坐落于旧金山海湾的另一面山坡上,和斯坦福大学隔海相望。2015 news time的伯克利 全球排名在第三位,而它有26个学科学术排名进入全球前10.我心里对它的喜欢是难以用语言来形容的。

费 城



波 士 顿

哈佛大学奉行的“sleep study and social”,所以到了晚上哈佛有时像一个夜总会,也会有party和舞会,因为社交对学生来说也是很重要的。哈佛更是一所非常生活化的学校,因为我第一次在校园的广场上看到蔬果摊,那里支起了几个不大的摊子,排列着很新鲜的蔬菜和水果。看到这个场面,让人觉得这个学校是多么的鲜活生动。

和哈佛相隔不远的是麻省理工。它被誉为“世界理工大学之最”,与哈佛大学仅仅几个街区之隔,这两所名校的较量也是寓于无形之中的吧。哈佛大学的“sleep study social”对麻省理工的学子来说,能做到前两个就已经很不错了,至于social确实是没有时间了,这群拥有超强学术能力但是面临超大压力的学生们在夹缝中生存着。

纽 约
来到纽约你想到的是什么?是第五大道?是华尔街?是Taylor Swift的《welcome to New York》?是自由女神像?是帝国大厦?是曼哈顿的高楼林立?
有人说纽约是富人的天堂,穷人的地狱。也有人说,下城中城上城都是好区。有人认为纽约的街道都是碎金铺的,这里埋藏着许多机会。在纽约游览的那个夜晚,我有幸登上了帝国大厦,俯瞰纽约这个不夜城的夜景,在帝国大厦吹着凉风,我感到自己豪情万丈,果然是“everybody comes here want more"。


西点军校允许游览的地方有限,讲解的老兵也叮嘱我们有些地方绝不可以拍照,我坐在后排看着沿途的风景,想着西点军校里那个别致的教堂,教堂里每个座位上的圣经的摆放横排竖列全是直线,很有军人整齐划一的special style。


我在美国的游学暂时划上了句号。这些大学,这些风景,这些感受,让人心驰神往,我也在这些大学里找到了自己的目标,相信总有一天我会亲临我的dream School,沐浴那里的阳光,呼吸那里的空气,在那里读书。

In the August, my mother and I went to the USA and visited several topuniversities in America. I really appreciate this chance that I encounteredthose fabulous and fantastic universities, which bring me plenty motivation andinspiration in my future study. Those top schools obtain high academicachievement, beautiful campus sights, nice human atmosphere and so on. They allinspire and encourage me to study harder and enter those universities in thefuture.
When I mentioned about Los Angels, what wouldyou think about instinctively? Is the sunny Oceanside and beaches? Is theuniversal studios or the Hollywood? Or is the nice weather in the California?Probably it would be more real when you finally arrive in the Los Angeles. Thelong way trembling made me feel tired and exhausting, the only thing I can dois sitting on the car and watching outside of the window. Los Angeles was notthat beautiful as I imagined, when I was looking down at the Los Angeles on theplane, all the things I could see is the crowded blocks and messy houses, andit seems like there is not much vegetation in the Los Angeles. However, when Iarrived the Los Angeles, I found out that my assumption was correct, that LosAngeles was truly a city which lack of water resources. Therefore, I stilladore Los Angeles because of its nice weather.

My first station startled me, which is the University of South California. Thisis the oldest private investigative type university in the west coast. AlthoughI am not really satisfied with the city organization of the Los Angeles, theUniversity of South California absolutely brought me unforgettable impression.The University of south California obtains fences in the campus, which is notreally common, but it brings a sense of safeness for me. Those graceful treeswith nice green are the best natural decoration for the campus. The movie majorin the University of South California is listed top in the America,consequently, the campus is just a perfect scene for movies. There are talldark red architectures standing on the side of the roads, which is roman stylethat bring us a sense of steady and heavy. On the contrary, the dormitories arepost-modernity style that brought strong collision with the traditional romanstyle architectures. At the same time, the delicate campus also makescomparisons with the rough Los Angeles.

The second station for me is UCLA, I think this is a tiny school in the UCsystem, but all the facilities and equipment are comprehensive. The UCLA combineswith the old renaissance style and the modern style, the ratio of those twoopposite styles just create the campus sights perfectly. The most impressivething for the UCLA is the azure sky that decorated with the cozy clouds. Whatis more, there are plenty camellias planted around the lamp. Sometimes I wasthinking about if I can’tbe a student in the UCLA, I would be so lucky if I could just be a camellia inthe campus, enjoy the azure sky, the cozy wind, and blossoming in the fantasticyouth.

When I said goodbye to those Fantastic universities, I took a tour in theuniversal studio. The universal studio located in the northwestern area of theLos Angeles. From my perspectives, the universal studio is a high levelversion, it’smore modern and advanced than some Chinese studio city. Many Hollywood movieswas shot in the university studio, so the universal studio always walks at theedge of the era. The most fascinating thing is we took a tour of many houseswith diverse usages, some houses are used for thrillers, some of the houses areused for shooting the plane crush, some of the houses are used for finalcombination. The most impressive scene is the KINGKONG scene, because the 3Dspecial effect is so real that made me feel I am in the Jurassic period park. What’s worse, there were dinosaurs attacking us somehow, all the peopleon the tour van were screaming and yelling that wake the drowsy me up justperfectly. The size of the universal studio is so magnificent that I nearlylost myself in the high hill, which I could take a overlook of the whole LosAngeles.

San Francisco was the most popular city in theAmerica that brought us different feeling. The unique geographical locationdetermined that the San Francisco is a costal city in the pacific. I was so inlove with San Francisco because of the icy costal wind and the glossy sunshine.By comparing San Francisco with the Los Angeles, I think San Francisco is moreprosperous than Los Angeles. The sound of the siren broke up the distance, andmixed up with the sound of the ocean wave. The sapphire sea were sparkling likecyan jewels. Hence, the sea just symmetrically met the azure sky , they enhanceeach other’sbeauty perfectly. There were many pigeons and sea gulls walking slowly on theharbor, the dark red Golden Gate Bridge emerged in distantly, they are the bestsubstitutes of the San Francisco.
The third station for us is the Stanford University, it is famous for itshigh academic achievement but low acceptance rate and the 35 square kilometerscampus size. Walking slowly in the Campus, I think the Stanford University isabsolutely modern and advanced. The way for me to determine the quality of auniversity is judging its museums and libraries. Unfortunately, I didn’t find the library of theStanford University, but all the galleries and museums obtain unique, brief andfashion design style. Dozens of museums and galleries show the strong financialsupport and the academic reservation of the Stanford University. The campus wasempty somehow; few cars and students passing by, and some solemn and respectfulfirs were planting around the small lawns. The campus is so enormous thatnearly make me lost myself. However, there was a holly church hiding in thefurs that just like the scene in the fairy tales.

My favorite university is the UC Berkeley. The school gate is not reallymagnificent, but interior of the campus is absolutely fantastic. This schoolobtains unique geographic location, which was built on the high hill. Iencountered the UC Berkeley at dusk, when the sun was going down, when the goldlight kept pouring down, when the icy wind continued blowing on my face…This was just too wonderful toaccept. I think I am in love with the UC Berkeley when I took the first glanceof it. It’s just magic. I kept walking, and then I sawa graceful white clock house standing on the lawn. Meanwhile, the sound of theclock vibrating in the air that makes people feel calm and peaceful. Therefore,the UC Berkeley is not only a quiet school, it is also energetic because I sawmanly students doing sports and outdoor activities. Outside of the campus is auniversity town, kind of prosperous because there were milk tea houses, bigsupermarkets, clothing shops and plenty restaurants. The vitality is so strongand full-bodied near the UC Berkeley, which is really nice.

Philadelphia used to be the capital of the America, also, it’s one of the most historicalcities in the America. However, when the halo of the capital faded up, the onlything left foe the Philadelphia is its old. Although the independence hallstill standing on the avenue when the regime disappeared, although thedisplacement of history had already shifted, the status of the Philadelphiawouldn’t change in the America dream. The Philadelphiawill welcome in dozens of tourists to see the origin of the country, and wherethe liberty bell rings.

The university of Pennsylvania is the most graceful and elegant university inmy eyes because of one of its graduate student---Lin Huiyin. Lin Huiyin was afamous architect, designer, poet and writer. She participated in the design ofChinese national emblem and the monument of people’s heroes. The attendance ofLin Huiyin brought inspiration to the old university of Pennsylvania. Thisuniversity combined with the design style of Cambridge and oxford and preservedsome gothic architecture. Walking on the street that paved with the old stone,you could estimate how much storms and history it had been through. Thereare some lovely squirrels climbing on the trees. Next to the trees, there aremany tall buildings, just like castles , dark red pinnacles with aerugodelicate pierced windows.

The town of Princeton just likes a oyster breathing between the Philadelphiaand the New York, and carefully protecting its pearl that is the PrincetonUniversity. When our car slowly drove into the town, I could see high greentrees standing beside us, I could see clean and tidy buildings and blocks. Thesilent stream coiled the Princeton University town. The full-bodied academicatmosphere brought the university town aristocratic breath. Consequently, thePrinceton became the habitats of many high-level Americans. I hold a sense oflonging and walked tightly into the campus that obtains lowest acceptance rationbut the highest ranking in America. What exactly is Princeton? What’s the difference betweenPrinceton and any other university? The first thing that occupied my view isthe magnificent Goth architecture, which fulfilled with green creepers. Thosegreen creepers willfully take over the glossy sunshine, but line up neatly andorderly. American revolution’s first victory washappened in the Princeton University; Princeton University was the cradle ofdozens of politicians; Princeton University is also the soil of many Nobelprice owners; Princeton University made Einstein spend his last 22 years inthis Fantastic campus. The fabulous sights of the Princeton University were soattractive and make people so look forward to it. What is more, the PrincetonUniversity was strongly influenced by the William Mary college’s honor regulations. As a result, the Princeton University is asuccessor of the honor regulation, every students registers in the Princetonshould sign the honor regulation and promise he won’tcheat and trick in every exam. So there is no teacher or professor supervisethe exam. From that, the credit between professors and students is soimpressive. Furthermore, I am aware of the reason why the Princeton Universityis so advanced and brilliant, it not only because of the high academyachievement but also the comprehensive individuality cultivation.

Boston is a city with high tax rate, the costof life fully represent the living level of Boston is very high. Once when Iarrived in Boston, I felt that the shop windows are so clean that nearlyshining. The summer in Boston is hot and wet, but the wind blows tightly thatmade people unable to open their eyes. However, I think thanks to the wind thatblow the dust on the street, the Boston could be so clean and tidy.

On the track to the Harvard University, I was reckoning about the HarvardUniversity, it is the representative of “ when 3 am the library was light and full of studying students”, it is “study liking a dog while playinglike a gentleman”, it is “happinessprobably doesn’t have the ranking, but success musthave ranking”. Verity is Harvard’s gospel, when I took the first step into the Harvard I am aware ofthat. Nearly all the architectures are in one color, which is red. However, ourtour guide told us, those students study at 3am in the library mainly is Asianstudent. In fact, Harvard University is a comprehensive school, which alsofocus on social. As a result, during the night Harvard is a nightclub. On theother hand, Harvard University is also a very of living university, because I seemany fruit shops and vegetables shops in the university square. Behind theshop, there was a big van stopping, which is really interesting. Therefore, Ithink this university was so vivid and real.

The MIT is the best technological and science university in the world, and itis blocks away from the Harvard University, so probably the competition betweenthese two schools is invisible but powerful. Harvard University requires “sleep study social” for students, but as for students in the MIT the third one isnearly impossible because the study work for them is so hard to carry. However,facing so competitive situation and under so much pressure, the graduationratio is really high that nearly achieved90% this year. The design style forthe MIT is modern and fashion, lacking of some Goth style architecture , butthe MIT give people a rational feel. I observe the cold tangent plane, littlebit oblique laboratory, and dark tea colored windows. Probably that’s the differences between MIT and any other universities; it is justlike liberal art students and sciences students.

What do you think of New York? The Fifth Avenue? The Wall Street? The TaylorSwift welcome's "Welcome to New York Taylor"? Is Statue of Liberty?The Empire State Building? Is a tall building in Manhattan? Just enter theabnormal blocked downtown in New York. Although this city lacks of history, itis still the center of American’s politics and economy because of the UN headquarters in New YorkCity, the Wall Street elite in the securities market galloping across thebattlefield. New York's characteristics is the lack of history, but this doesnot prevent its position in the world, walk on Wall Street, along the road issuits hurry walking and talking on the phone, row upon row of tall buildings,only in those gaps can see a rice sieve under the sunshine in the streetlooking for a leave some stained barge barge spot, shining bright. Some peoplesay that New York is a paradise for the rich and the poor in the hell. Somepeople say, under the city city are good district. Some people think that thestreets of New York obtain broken gold buried here. Thanks to a night tour inNew York, I have the honor to board the Empire State Building, overlooking NewYork City that never sleeps at night. Upon the Empire State Building, blowingcool breeze. New York seemed to be the farthest brilliant, without fear of alldarkness, backlighting and beautiful.

Yale University is a located in New Haven'sleading private research university. It was named as "America's mostbeautiful campus”,walking into the Yale campus was really a worthwhile trip. It seems to be a bigmelting pot, the integration of many different architectural styles, but alsocombining them together. Yale University campus is in the Gothic architecturestyle, but it also absorbed modern architecture style, which is the romanticclassical Dynasty breath and the modern feeling. Yale University is a campusfull of green that surrounded by ancient high large elm in the rustling wind.

But West Point Military Academy is totally different, it is the first militaryschool, was known as "the cradle of American generals", it is farfrom the hubbub of city life and secular, away from the urban area and crowds.On a tour the places that we are allowed to visit is limited, and the tourguide also told us that some places is forbidden to take pictures. I wasimpressed by the West Point in a unique church, the Church of the Bible placedin line with nearly all the same, unified position. West Point is differentfrom other universities, and perhaps more important than the academic abilityof the students' physical quality is more important than West Point.

I left the school, and I ended up in the United States. The Universities,theselandscapes, these memories let people fascinated, I also found their target inthis meaningful and fabulous tour. Furthermore , I strongly believe that oneday I will be able to attend my dream school, bath where the sunshine,breathing air there.


Categories: 地点游学美国