
Published by jsjjyuxi on




I can fairly say that participating in Cardigan Summer Session was the best and worst thing that ever happened to me.

I was dragged away from the comfort of my bed, dragged away from all the electronic devices, and most importantly, I was dragged away from Chinese food. I was put into a strange place called Cardigan. To be honest, Cardigan was the first Foreign summer camp I ever went to, so it was the longest time I’ve ever been away from home alone. So, naturally, I took a very long time to adapt to this new lifestyle. I was homesick, my stomach was feeling “moody”, but after a week or so, I began to enjoy life in Cardigan. I took pleasure in all of my classes and activities, especially wilderness survival. I’ve never even heard about such a class before, and was very curious of what it was about. It turns out to be very intriguing, building shelters out of natural materials like branches, twigs, bark and pine needles; making rope out of dried grass, building fires and so on. It truly altered my concept of real fun.

CSI:Forensics was totally fine too. We learned many impressing knowledge like analyzing people’s personalities through their hand writings, investigating the truth behind all those seemingly impressive magic tricks, studying blood cells and DNA... You just can’t imagine anything cooler.

As the teachers say, lots of people are attracted to Cardigan by it’s appealing waterfront, so not swimming in it will be a huge pity. For this reason, I firmly chose swimming as my first activity, simply for experiencing how it felt to be swimming in a natural lake, but ended up in the top level. Most of the time, I prefer just floating on a plastic “noodle” and chatting with my friends and meanwhile enjoying “the leisure of life.” As if this isn’t enough, Cardigan has a lake activity that everyone can join, including faculty members. It is called “Polar bear.” You have to wake up early and be at the lake at about six forty-five a.m. and jump into the school lake. I think it is refreshing and will help you start a sober day.

But the most important thing in Cardigan is none of the above. It is a deciding factor and an important tradition in Cardigan: the Green And White. Every year, students and faculty members will be divided into two large groups: the Green group and the White group. There will be all kinds of colourful competitions between the two groups, but the most vital competition is called “the great race.” It includes many weird but fun matches, like jumping in a sack, instructing blindfolded people to run around cones, spinning twenty circles then sprint across the field, etc. The great race occurs every session, and, in my opinion, it is the spirit of Cardigan.

Besides classes and activities, I want to express more about the enthusiastic and amazing people I met at Cardigan. Before really reaching Cardigan, I actually thought there were going to be lots of bullies and spoiled girls whining about bugs and not-so-delicious foods, but as it turns out, I’m more of a spoiled little “princess” compared to the “citizens” of Cardigan. Also, they were pretty kind and patient to newcomers like me. They explain my questions on Cardigan rules, lead me to my classroom when I’m getting lost, and so on. I made some lovely friends there, and they helped me get over my difficulties, meanwhile subtly assisting me to adjust to the school environment and to blend in with others. I am genuinely thankful to all my friends in Cardigan who has helped me pass various difficulties and become a better student, friend and partner in Cardigan.

But as the old saying goes,“The happiest things often lead to the saddest endings.” Somehow, I didn’t need the things I often craved for in Cardigan when I went back--neither my cellphone nor Chinese food. I missed Cardigan. I missed the classes, my friends and the laid-back way of living. Three weeks seems to pass like three days, and yet, the change in my soul is unquestionable. I turned braver, more outgoing and more independent in the three weeks in Cardigan--the most special three weeks in my whole entire life. At last, again, I miss Cardigan!

卡迪根山中学 ▪ 夏校项目简介



卡迪根山自1951年开始举办夏令营,每天上午是丰富的学术活动,下午是传统夏令营活动,整个暑期课程中还设置了 "Green and White"比赛,所有学生被分为两队,参加周三晚上的活动。还有2011年开设的CORE户外冒险计划,参与者可以体验长达一周的户外旅行,包含徒步、露营、独木舟等户外活动。这个夏校可以报名两期三周的项目,也可以连报六周的项目,8-15岁的男生或女生都可以报名。











