2020 Stanford Pre-Collegiate University-Level Online Math & Physics
2020 Stanford Pre-Collegiate University-Level Online Math & Physics
2020 斯坦福在线大学预修数学与物理项目
Stanford Pre-Collegiate University-Level Online Math & Physics斯坦福在线大学预修数学与物理项目为学生提供大学水平的9门数学课程和4门物理课程。对现中学阶段学习学有余力的学生即可报名,不仅上课时间灵活,且每门课程提供3个学分和成绩单。不仅提前让学生体验了本科学习的难度,更是节约大学学费和时间的好方法之一呢。
- Multivariable Differential Calculus:学习两个或多个变量函数的微积分,内容包括vectors and vector-valued functions in 2-space and 3-space, tangent and normal vectors, curvature, functions of two or more variables, partial derivatives and differentiability, directional derivatives and gradients, maxima and minima, optimization using Lagrange multipliers.
- Multivariable Integral Calculus :同样学习两个或两个以上变量函数的积分,内容包括double and triple integrals, change of variables and the Jacobian, vector fields, line integrals, independence of path and the fundamental theorem of line integrals, Green's theorem, divergence theorem, and Stokes' theorem.
- Linear Algebra :线性代数的入门课程,内容包括matrices, linear equations, vector spaces, bases, coordinates, linear transformations, eigenvectors, eigenvalues, and diagonalization.
- Modern Algebra :抽象代数理论,强调对称的应用,内容包括groups, rings, fields, matrix and crystallographic groups, and constructibility.
- Real Analysis :实变函数论,内容包括sequences, series, limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, and basic point-set topology.
- Differential Equations :求解微分方程的基本技术和方法,内容包括linear, separable, and exact equations, existence and uniqueness theorems, difference equations, basic theory of higher order equations, variation of parameters, undetermined coefficients, series solutions, Laplace transform, systems of equations.
- Complex Analysis :复杂函数的微分和积分理论,内容包括:algebra of complex numbers, complex functions, multi-valued functions, exponentials, logarithms, analyticity, integrals, power series, Laurent series, residues, isolated singularities, poles and zeros.
- Partial Differential Equations :微分方程的理论,涉及多个变量的函数,内容包括first order equations, classification of second order equations, initial-boundary value problems for heat equation, wave and related equations, separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, Fourier series, existence and uniqueness questions.
- Elementary Theory of Numbers :数论的介绍及其应用,内容包括Euclid's algorithm, divisibility, prime numbers, congruence of numbers, theorems of Fermat, Euler, Wilson, Lagrange's theorem; residues of power, quadratic residues, introduction to binary quadratic forms.
- Light and Heat:介绍光学和热力学,内容包括temperature, properties of matter, introduction to the kinetic theory of matter, light and electromagnetic waves, reflection and refraction of light, lens systems, interference and diffraction.
- Modern Physics:介绍现代物理学的思想,内容包括Special relativity, introduction to general relativity, the experimental basis of quantum theory, atomic structure, quantization of light, Schrödinger equation.
- Intermediate Mechanics I:对粒子和系统力学更深入的学习,内容包括Tensors, vector calculus, Newtonian laws of mechanics and gravitation, oscillations, Green's functions, calculus of variations, Lagrangian mechanics, orbits, and physics in rotating frames of reference.
- Intermediate Mechanics II:对粒子和系统力学更深入的学习,内容包括Rigid body dynamics, oscillating systems, Hamilton's principle for continuous systems, waves, general wave equation, and fluid dynamics.
2017–2018 Fall Term 秋季学期:
- 申请截止时间: 2017年8月18日
- 项目时间:2017年8月28日-2017年12月22日
2017–2018 Spring Term春季学期:
- 申请截止时间:2018年1月19日
- 项目时间:2018年1月29日-2018年5月18日
2017–2018 Summer Term夏季学期:
- 申请截止时间:2018年6月11日
- 项目时间:2018年6月18日-2018年8月17日
- 每周自主学习时间至少6-9个小时
- 国际学生不需要办理签证
- 需要自己准备电脑(windows 7以上或Mac 10.7以上),Webcam和麦克风,以及扫描仪
- 申请不同课程前需确认已经完成此课程所要求的前期课程
- 申请费35美金
- 学费预计1,500美金