在悉尼停留四天后,同学们来到了昆士兰州的昆士兰大学,澳大利亚常春藤名校联盟“八大名校”之一。昆士兰大学位于澳大利亚东部的海滨城市布里斯班,以拥有强大的教学和科研力量而受到国际的赞誉。在最新的2017-2018 US NEWS世界排名中位居42位,处于世界排名前1%位置。同学们在博物馆中了解了昆士兰的历史,在南岸公园享受了现代文化的气息,去袋鼠角眺望美丽的布里斯班河和城市建筑群,还在古石桥下膜拜了现存唯一的两座手工制作大桥。
The study in the Australia is quite different from that in China. Compared with the Australia, there are more students in our classroom. There is an average of 30 students in the Australia. The bottle rockets make us have a better understanding of the importance of practice. Australian students have more time for hobbies. The teachers here are very friendly, helpful and humorous. I love them. (written by Shan Zhiyuan)
学子的心得( 二)
The study experience at host family is the most impressive one in my tour. I am really excited to come to Richard’s house. Firstly,we went to Kevin’s project .I know that the Australian students need to do all kinds of social activities to earn the opportunity to enter the university they want to go !This is what we Chinese students should learn! In this short week I have learned a lot ,I feel the differences between Australian and Chinese learning and traditional culture .The beauty of each beauty is shared by all.Take its essence and get rid of its dross.(written by Feng Yizeng)
学子的心得( 三)
What impresses me most is to visit an Australian host family. We went to see their big garden, which was full of vitality. I was very happy that we could eat the vegetables and fruits planted there directly. These plants have no pesticide residues. This shows that Australians attach great importance to food safety. (written by Hu Pinxu)