夏令营分享之the third experience in USA

Scott Sha,上海平和双语学校的学生,性格开朗,思维活跃,热爱学习和运动。前2年,他都参加了HVC的夏令营。今年暑假,六升七的Scott首次参加了风景如画的Loomis高中的夏校活动,他选择了数学、机器人、计算机和英语写作等课程。通过认真地学习,Scott初步了解了计算机和机器人的工作原理和基本设计,同时英语的写作能力得到了比较好的提升。
This is the third time I’ve been to U.S., but it’s still a new experience for me to stay in a summer school for five weeks. It is said that this high school is famous because most of their students finish their college in the Ivy League schools. So I was looking forward to this program when I signed up for it.Loomis Chaffee School has an enormous campus and when I first got there, it was bit of a trouble to carry all my luggage from the front door to my dorm. My dorm is the oldest one, and because of it, there are nearly no air conditioner devices there. But other two students’ dorms have one air con in each room. So sometimes, I could hardly sleep in the night. Luckily, there are one coolingroom on each floor in my dorm, so we often try to sign up for it as quickly we can.The classes I chose are Algebra l, robotics and ESOL which is a writing class for students who thinks English as a foreign language. And my third period is free period. Actually, when I’m in school, I’ve never had interests on making things and robots things. But I feel like this robotic class has successfully attracted me. This class isn’t just a robot-building class, it mentions a lot of theories, robots’knowledge and the history of robotic. My class signed up for the final talentshow and programmed a dance for our robot, that program was highly recommended by most of the audience.
I really like their library. It is in the middle of the campus which is among the cafeteria, students’ dorms and sports area, so it’s convenient for me to go to the library either do some light reading for fun or do my homework in a quiet place. I was mostly on the first floor, sofas, chairs, and tables are lined ina order which makes people having a feeling of quiet and clean. There are also computers so that it’s easy for me to do some online homework and essays. Thesecond floor is filled with small discussion rooms which can contain two to six people.When I was in summer camp, the food there was great and considerate. There are different countries’ specialty for lunch every day. There is lobster day, junk food day and other things like that. This years’ food is a little bit not as great as last year. But I think I still enjoy them. There are different areas like deli,non-allergic, pasta and so on. And every evening, there is an ice cream machine, you can make the ice cream any shape you want. There is even acompetition about how high you can make your ice cream be.
The last but not the least is trip. There are trips every weekend. For example, I’ve been to Boston, New York, a place for bowling and laser tag, some kinds upermarket for snacks and so on. Every trip is a entirely new world. The Boston Tea Party museum really attracted me. It was about the Americans fought with the England for there liberty.Three years isn’t short nor long. I’ve grown from a student who only knows Chinglish to a guy who can talk fluently with a native America. Thank all the people whohelped me to have these chances to talk with native Americans and live inAmerica.