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康考迪亚大学 Concordia University 转学分指南



GSS暑校课程全面涵盖经济(Economic)、商科(Business)、社会科学(Social Science)、 人文科学(Humanity)、等学科领域,课程学分已被超过 400所 北美院校认可。迄今为止,已有超过 2000名 来自中国、美国、加拿大、德国、西班牙、韩国、中国香港、中国台湾的优秀学员参与其中。

Concordia 转学分政策




1、登陆GSS暑校官网www.gsseducation.org,下载北京交通大学暑期学校的课程大纲(syllabus)。携带课程大纲与您所在学院的学术顾问(academic advisor)进行面谈,告知您准备参加北京交通大学暑期课程的计划,并说明北京交通大学暑期学校的暑期课程制度为semester。

2、根据学术顾问(academic advisor)沟通的结果。完成必要的预转学分工作。如:填写转换学分申请表格等,学术顾问会指导学生完成这些必要的工作。


4、当学生完成北京交通大学暑期学校的课程之后,北京交通大学暑期学校将会在开学两周之内将成绩单直接寄送至Office of Admission(招生办)。



* 仅作参考,具体课程对应请下载课程大纲联系Advisor审核

ACC11 Financial Accounting财务会计

COMM 217 Financial Accounting (3 credits) OR ACCO 230 Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)

ACC12 Managerial Accounting管理会计

ACCO 240 Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3 credits)

ART12 Intro to Western Art:Renaissance to the Present西方艺术史:文艺复兴到现代

ARTH 364 Studies in Renaissance Art and Architecture (3 credits) OR ARTH 365 Studies in 17th‑ and 18th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits) OR ARTH 366 Studies in 19th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)

ART13 Introduction to Modern Art history现代艺术史概论

ARTH 367 Studies in 20th‑Century Art and Architecture (3 credits)

BIO 11 Introduction to Biological Science(With Lab)生物学导论

BIOL 201 Introductory Biology (3 credits)

BIO12 Cellular Biology细胞生物学

BIOL 266 Cell Biology (3 credits)

BUS201 Introduction to Business商务基础概论

MANA 201 Introduction to Business and Management (3 credits) OR COMM 210 Contemporary Business Thinking (3 credits)

CHEM 11 General Chemistry I(With Lab)基础化学

CHEM 205 General Chemistry I (3 credits)

CS21 Computer Science计算机科学导论

COMP 201 Introduction to Computing (3 credits) OR COMP 335 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (3 credits)

CS22 Programming in Java Java编程TBA

CS23 Programming in C++C++

COMP 345 Advanced Program Design with C++ (4 credits)

ECO11 Microeconomics微观经济学

ECON 201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 credits)

ECO12 Macroeconomics宏观经济学

ECON 203 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 credits)

ENG11 College English Writing L1大学英语写作 L1

ENGL 206 Fundamentals of Written English – Stage I (3 credits)

ENG21 College English Writing L2大学英语写作 L2

ENGL 207 Fundamentals of Written English – Stage II (3 credits)

ENG22 Public Speaking公共演讲

COMS 205 Effective Communication Skills (3 credits)

ENG23 Critical Reading批判性阅读

ENGL 233 Critical Reading (3 credits)

ETH11 Introduction to Sociology社会学概论

SOCI 203 Introduction to Society (3 credits)

FIN 21 Introduction to Finance金融学概论

FINA 230 Introduction to Financial Management (3 credits)

HIS11 Introduction to World History世界历史

HIST 283 The 20th Century: A Global History (3 credits)

HIS12 American History美国历史

HIST 251 History of the United States to the Civil War Era (3 credits) OR HIST 253 History of the United States since the Civil War Era (3 credits)

LIT25 Introduction to Literature英语文学

ENGL 260 Introduction to Literary Study (3 credits)

MAT11 Calculus Ⅰ微积分AB

MATH 203 Differential and Integral Calculus I (3 credits)

MAT12 Calculus Ⅱ微积分BC

MATH 205 Differential and Integral Calculus II (3 credits)

MAT21 Linear Algebra线性代数

MATH 251 Linear Algebra I (3 credits)

MAT22 Introduction to Statistics统计学概论

STAT 250 Statistics (3 credits)

MKET200 Introduction to Marketing市场学概论

MARK 201 Introduction to Marketing (3 credits)

PHI12 Introduction to Philosophy哲学

PHIL 201 Problems of Philosophy (3 credits) OR PHIL 298 Introductory Topics in Philosophy (3 credits)

PHY11 Introduction to Physics:Mechanics and Thermodynamics(With Lab)物理学:机械学和热力学

PHYS 204 Mechanics (3 credits)

PHY12 Introduction to Physics:Electricity and Magnetism(With Lab)物理学:电力学和磁力

PHYS 205 Electricity and Magnetism (3 credits)

POL11 United States Government And Politics美国政治

POLI 310 Politics of the U.S. (3 credits)

POL12 Comparative Government And Politics比较政治

POLI 203 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 credits)

PSY11 Introduction to Psychology心理学

PSYC 200 Introductory Psychology (6 credits)

PSY21 Introduction to Social Psychology社会心理学

PSYC 325 Fundamentals of Social Psychology (3 credits)

Categories: 其他