招募 | 2018耶鲁全球青年学者申请即将截止!
The 2018 Application of Yale Young Global Scholars application deadline is approaching!
Application link/报名链接:https://apply.globalscholars.yale.edu/apply/
Deadline: February 6 2018
YYGS 2018 Program includes:
Applied Science & Engineering (ASE)
June 17 - June 30, 2018
International Affairs & Security (IAS)
June 17 - June 30, 2018
Frontiers of Science & Technology (FST)
July 8 - July 21, 2018
Sustainable Development & Social Entrepreneurship (SDSE)
July 8 - July 21, 2018
Politics, Law, & Economics (PLE)
July 27 - August 9, 2018
Biological & Biomedical Science (BBS)
July 27 - August 9, 2018
YYGS-Beijing: Asia in the 21st Century (ATC)
July 26 - August 8, 2018
6月17-30日 应用科学及工程
6月17-30日 国际事务和安全
7月8日-21日 科技前沿
7月8日-21日 可持续发展和公益创业
7月27日-8月9日 生物科学和生物医学
7月27日-8月9日 政治、法律与经济
7月26日-8月8日 21世纪的亚洲 (耶鲁北京中心举行)
- YYGS accepts applications from current high school sophomores or juniors only (or international equivalents, usually 16 or 17 years of age). YYGS does not accept applications from students who are under 15 years old.
- The applicant must demonstrate strong personal or academic interest in one or more of the program offerings.
- The applicant must speak, read, and write at a level of English adequate to participate in daily interactions with other students, instructors, and faculty and high-level academic discussions.
- YYGS项目面向全球15-17岁学生(高中一年级和高中二年级的学生),目前不接受15岁以下学生的申请。
- 申请人需展示对一个或多个项目的浓厚个人兴趣和学术经验
- 申请人需掌握较强的英文听说读写能力,已适应日常的交流和高水平的学术交流
- Resume/Activities List
- Official School Transcript - The transcript or school report should list all grades for courses taken at the school you currently attend.
- One 500-word personal essay, two 200-word responses
- Two letters of recommendation
- Standardized test scores, if available (these are not required)
- $60 application fee
You could choose three sessions on your application. If you wish for your application to be reviewed for more than one session, please indicate your second and third choices on the online application. However, due to the high levels of interest in the program, we only allow students to participate one session in a single summer.
If you have any questions or issues during the application process, please go to https://globalscholars.yale.edu/contact-us
- 简历/活动清单
- 学校官方成绩单:成绩单应列出学生在校上过的所有高中课程和成绩
- 一篇500字(单词)个人陈述,两篇200字短文
- 两封推荐信
- 官方标准化考试成绩(非必需)
- 60美元申请费
申请者同时申请最多三个项目,如第一选择未被录取,则会考虑第二、第三选择。请注意,YYGS 2018仅允许学生参加一个项目。
Created to support students from Asia attending any of the seven YYGS sessions. This scholarship covers full tuition costs and related travel expenses.
Created to support students from China attending the Asia in the 21st Century session. This scholarship covers full tuition costs.
Students should apply online via the online application. To be considered for scholarships, students must complete the financial aid portion of the online application.
2018年,YYGS很荣幸与Cirrus Education Inc. (Qooco) 和Arconic Foundation继续保持合作关系,为有需要的中国学生提供奖学金。
For more information on upcoming events, please follow us on WeChat at YaleCenterBJ.