Immerse yourself in one your passions, and take advantage of the rich educational resources offered by the University and the city of Chicago throughour Summer Immersion programs for high school students. In these undergraduate-level courses, you will get personalized attention from faculty, researchers, and other professionals who will lead you through labs, workshop discussions, field observations, research projects, and other hands-on activities. 沉浸于自己的激情中,利用芝加哥大学及所在城市提供的丰富的教育资源,通过我们为高中生举办的夏季浸入式课程。在这些本科级别的课程中,你将得到来自教职人员、研究人员和其他专业人士的个性化关注,他们将带领你完成实验、研讨会讨论、实地观察、研究项目和其他实践活动。 项目介绍 【主办机构】:芝加哥大学 【项目时间】: 第一期:2018年6月18日-7月05日 第二期:2018年7月09日-7月26日 【适合年级】:当前9-11年级 【课程设置】: 第一期: American Law and Litigation(法律);Architecture and Urban Design TowardsSustainable Cities(建筑);Biotechnologyfor the 21st Century(生物);DevelopmentalPsychology:theories and Techniques(心理学);Life in the Universe & The Laws ofPhysics(物理);Mathematical andComputational Research in Biological Science(生物计算)。 第二期: American Law and Litigation(法律);Biotechnology for the 21st Century(生物);Collegiate Writing: Awakening intoConsciousness(写作);Contagion:Infectious Agents & Diseases(医学生物);CreativeWriting(创意写作);Economics from anExperimental Perspective(经济);ThePhysics of Star(天体物理);ThePsychology of Learning(心理学); 【就读课程】:浸入式学习一门课程 【学分信息】:有学分 【申请材料】: 1. 成绩单(当前学期,及最近两年的成绩单); 2. 推荐信(1封); 3. 标化成绩(如果有,请提供:ACT,PSAT,SAT,TOEFL,IELTS等); 4. Writing Sample (包含老师的评价、评分) 5. 语言要求:托福104或雅思7及以上 【开始申请日期】:12月 【申请截止日期】:第一轮 2月2日,2018(免申请费);之后是滚动录取 【录取通知】:通常1个月左右通知录取决定。 通知后10天内交定金$500. 【住宿安排】:芝加哥大学校内 【签证类型】:F1签证 【项目费用】:申请费$50;学费$6,500(含食宿); 价格不包含: 不包含护照、签证费用; 不包含往返机票费用; 不包含健康保险费用; 不包含申请服务费; 其他以上未提及的费用。 评论 “The biggest advantage of this program is its caliber in teaching. The depth and style of teaching was perfect, keeping a perfect balance of serious work and an exciting atmosphere. Despite having to read tons and writing an essay, I was still eager to jump out of bed and dash into class.” Lawrence X., Western Academy of Beijing, Beijing, China “I plan on going to law school, so the Law and Litigation course gave me a good insight into what my future career may be like. Visiting the courthouses, participating in mock trials, and having a prestigious lawyer teach the class really allowed us to see into our possible future profession.”Adam B., Charles Henderson High School, Troy, AL