斯坦福夏校之---Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes

Published by fengyan on

StanfordPre-Collegiate Summer Institutes is a three-week summer residential program where participants engage in single-subject intensive study and benefit from small class size and academically themed residences.


Courses range in areas from Business to Bioscience, Particle Physics to Political Science, and Creative Writing to Cosmology. Each courseis customized by its instructors to give students deep exposure and hands-on experience. Academics and social activities are integrated into every aspect of our program. Peers and mentors from around the world, first-rate instructional and residential staff, and the beautiful Stanford University campus come together to create an unparalleled experience.

课程范围从商科到生物科学,粒子物理到政治科学,创意写作到宇宙学。 每门课程都由教师专门设计,为学生提供深度浸入式学习和动手实验。 学术和社交活动已融入我们项目的各个方面。 来自世界各地的同伴和导师,一流的教学和住宿工作人员以及美丽的斯坦福大学校园聚集在一起,创造出无与伦比的体验。


  • 第一期:2018年6月25日-7月14日
  • 第二期:2018年7月17日-8月04日


1. 成绩单(当前学期,及最近两年的成绩单);

2. 推荐信(1封);


4. Work Sample(有些课程必须提供,有些非必须)

5. 语言要求:建议托福95分及以上


【申请截止日期】:第一轮 1.24;第二轮:2.21;第三轮:3.18;之后是滚动录取

【录取通知】:通常1个月左右通知录取决定。 通知后一周内交定金$500.



