夏令营分享:My Eaglebrook summer school

Published by jsjjyuxi on

Stephen,就读于上海宏文双语学校,9月份就是7年级的初中生了。Stephen喜欢各种运动,篮球、足球,羽毛球都玩的很不错,也擅长游泳和跑步,在今年的小铁人比赛中获得银牌。他从一年级就开始住校,性格开朗,热情大方,幽默友善,是同学们的好朋友和开心果。这次参加了Eaglebrook 的夏校,学到了很多知识,Creative Writing、ESL、Public Speaking 和游泳都得到提升也得到了老师的肯定,既拓宽了视野,又交到了好多好朋友,是一次非常难忘的经历。

As you know, this summer I went to the Eaglebrook school to take part in a summer school which helped me and also improved me a lot in different academics. Eaglebrook school is a school for boys in the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth grades. In a warm, caring, structured atmosphere, we learn more than we have ever thought possible, we discovered inner resources, developed self-confidence, and had fun along the way.

During this month, I had a lot of fun not only in academics but also in other aspects. We had field trips every Wednesday and also on weekend. The most interesting and stimulating trip was the travel to SIX FLAGS, which was a huge amusement park. My friends and I really did enjoy having fun at there.

Besides, the teachers at Eaglebrook school, they are all so nice that they even made me feeling like that they are my family! The homework that they gave us weren’t so much. Unlike in china, every teacher are using “traditional” teaching ways, which are being very mean to students, and we all hate that.

Also, at the dorm, we had an adviser for each floor at the dorm. Every night, after the study hall, we can get our phone, from the locker, which we had put our phone in the night before. Although the rules about the phone using policies were very strict, it actually helped us,who travelled aboard to US a chance to socialize with others.

So after all, the Eagle-brook school is really afantastic school, I really hope to go there and study there again if I have this opportunity.

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