1, 不要对话题进行归类!
2, 进行基础素材的准备,一般我们推荐都是给学生准备四十个要素
3, 直接串词:
Describe a time someone said good words about what you did
You should say:
l Whenit happened ==》time, duration, weather
l What you did==> location, how go, did
l Whatthat person said ==> name sex age occupation relationship, said
l Andexplain how you felt about it ==> skill, knowledge, future
It is located to the northwest area of my hometown, and 30 kilometersaway from the city center and 35km away from my living place.
How go è How to get there:
I usually go to this park by riding the bicycle, and sometimes I gothere by taking the BUS 56. It generally lasts more than one hour to get there.
l Do you like historical stories in your country?
l Do young people like historical stories in your country?